Thursday, August 8, 2019

On Middle School...

"Hey, tell me...what's good about Middle School?" 
A friend asked this question and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I willingly spend my life with middle school kids and truly enjoy it. Let's list the good things before the crazy starts:

What's good about Middle School:
1.  Middle schoolers are impressionable. They get excited about new things and they are very moldable. (Note to self: Make sure they have adult role models they look up to, as we all know they will ignore us parents. As parents, encourage good influences.  AND, for them to stay excitable about the small things...limit their technology! Keep them off of social media, let their influences be authentic.)

2. That said, they are often very passionate. They quickly think they are the experts. Let them teach you. But, yes remind them they are still kids. (Note to self: Remwmber what it was like to get really excited! Do not squash that. But, gently keep them humble and respectful of the experts.) 

2. Over three years they grow so much. You can literally watch them grow from kid to young adult. They often find out something they are talented in. They will grow in confidence.  (Note to self: Encourage them to try new things and step out of their comfort zone.)

3. They are unpredictable. Just see it as good. Be ready to make armpit fart noises when they think that is funny.  And, be ready to back off when they are in tears about something seemingly silly. (Note to self: Lord give me patience. Each and every day. I feel confident having a middle schooler myself has the opportunity to teach me a new level of patience. This is better than increased scaracasm and snarkyness. eeeek.)

4. Every day is a new day with teenagers. (Note to self: Praise God for new beginnings each day.) 

5. Teachers that teach middle school, get middle schoolers. (Note to self:  Trust what they say, yet always advocate for your kid.)

6. They really still need you, a lot. They need to hear they are beautiful, strong, loved, kind. You might think they are ignoring you. Keep saying it even when they are giving you a lot of "shade."  (Note to self: Don't take these tween mood swings personally. Love louder yet know when to love gently. )

And, now, it all has a slightly different twist as I am about to experience middle school at home, as my daughter is entering middle school. Woozers. I need this list and these reminders.

Oh, a few random logistics:
1. They will learn their locker combination.
2. 6th Graders are with 6th graders most of the time.
3. 6th Graders at MMS need a draw string bag.
4. Deodorant is necessary every day for every kid.

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